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Friday, January 18, 2013

free time & old photos

Good news for me... I never have to taken another licensing/certification exam ever again! Everybody say "yyyeeeahhh!"  {meant to be said in the leprechaun video style and if you don't know what I'm referring to, watch it!}  Ever since Christmas I've had my head in a review book, when I haven't been working, in preparation for the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners certification exam. Well, I took the exam yesterday and passed! So hello to a lot more free time...while I search for a job of course.
In my newly found free time last night, I happened to stumbled upon some pictures I had taken of my niece Lainey from earlier this fall.  I had forgotten about these photos for a while, hence the delay of posting, because I can't not share these... this little girl is just too gorgeous!

Cruisin' on the Disney Princess bike :)

Fully loaded with training wheels, streamers, and front basket...

sidewalk artist


Those long locks are to die for!

Gotta pop 'em!
Remember those mild fall days? Can't wait for spring! Actually its mid-January and going to be in the 50's today... so I shouldn't complain.
Well I'm gonna go put together a floor lamp that got delivered a few days ago... I didn't let myself even touch the box "pre-exam" for fear of getting way too distracted and wasting time.
xo Laurie Champ, MSN, APRN-BC     <------- YEAH!!!

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